Facilities Five

'Effectively Communicating' To Build Stronger Bridges With Clients

Written by Darren Delatorre | Feb 15, 2023 8:31:36 PM

Communication is key in any relationship. This is especially true in business, where communication builds the foundation of trust with your client. When your client and their team feel as though they are being communicated with, they are more likely to be satisfied with the relationship. Being in this constant communication cycle with them allows for better 'real time' problem solving and ensures that both parties are on the same page. Communication is a vital part of any successful operation! Good stuff, but you probably already knew this.

Now let's talk about effective communication!

It is vitally important to effectively communicate because it helps ensure that everyone is in sync and that everyone has the same understanding of a situation. When everyone has the same information, they are better able to do their jobs effectively, resulting in improved efficiency.  Additionally, effective communication can help improve teamwork and morale, as it helps build relationships between team members. Finally, effective communication can help establish clearer expectations, resulting in improved accountability.

Effective communication is what happens when communication finds the middle point of under communication and over communicating.

Effective communication with your client is essential for achieving success and a competitive advantage. It helps to build relationships and trust between employees and management.  Proper effective communication can also help to share essential information throughout the organization, increase employee engagement and motivation, and reduce stress and conflict.  Additionally, when managed properly; effective communication can help to build a team that is able to maximize the potential of each individual. A strong system of consistent communication will help enhance an organization's overall productivity and spur innovation.

 Am I communicating to my client?

There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the particular circumstance. As discussed above, effective communication can lead to a stronger relationship between the business and its customers, as well as a more productive workplace. The manager should decide which information to communicate so as not to cause confusion for the client or team members.  This also largely depends on the client and the project. Each client may have different expectations when it comes to communication, so it is important to listen to the client and discuss their preferences.  

Here are some great ways to effectively communicate with your client:

  • Relay your goals and expectations to them in a clear and concise manner. Repeat information when necessary. Remain accessible at all times. (*This is the most important tool you can use to build trust with your client.) Be transparent about any delays or hiccups that may arise, so that the client can have a sense of control over the process. Schedule regular check-ins with the appropriate team members. Ask plenty of questions to gauge your own understanding of the situation. Provide feedback regarding the type, amount, and frequency of communication. Provide resources that support the communication. Use visuals or demonstrations when appropriate. Maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the communication process.

  • Include email, phone calls, video conferencing, and in-person meetings to your weekly cadence of communication with your client. Constantly make all parties aware of any changes in real time.


Effective-communication is not typically viewed as something that is uncomfortable. As a manager please be mindful of specific situations such as constantly asking for updates or checking in with an employee, as this could create an uncomfortable pressure on the employee to complete tasks or over-perform.

The hard truth of it all is that over communicating is far more preferable to under communicating in every circumstance imaginable. This may mean that more time and effort is spent in conversations, but these conversations have the potential to prevent issues from arising and will ultimately save time and money in terms of costly misunderstandings down the line. It is your responsibility to effectively communicate with your client. It's an easily sustainable and transferable method to continuously build a strong bridge of trust in all of your business relationships.